Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New gear and Arena

Well it has been a while since I've made a posting, and some things have changed. I have upgraded my weapons, and my gear somewhat. I have made my main spec, the hybrid Mut/Sub spec, the PvP/Solo one, and the offspec which is Combat my raid spec.

First looking at the raid spec/gear, I have received a new sword for my main-hand, Razorscale Talon, which drops from the boss Razorscale in 10-man Ulduar.
Speaking of which, we did try Ulduar as a guild, and were able to down Razorscale as the second boss. Ignus gave us a lot of trouble, and we had to call it due to time issues. But getting back to the gear, I have enchanted the weapon with Mongoose. My Off-hand is the dagger Twilight Mist, which is also enchanted with Mongoose.
With those two weapons, and an upgraded head piece, I do over 3k DPS without too much trouble, and have hit over 3.5k as well. I still need better gear to make 4k, which some of the other Rogues I've seen do so easily, but I am slowly getting there. The increased number in DPS has allowed me to go to other raids with PuG's and guilds who need to fill a spot or two. I've been to, and have downed, 25-man Maly, 10&25-man Emalon, and have attempted 10-man Maly, but the raids broke up because the tank was fed up with people not doing what they are supposed to. I think I am going to see about going along with other guilds in their Ulduar runs, since at the moment my guild cannot do so after our MT having put WoW on hold indefinitly.

Now onto my PvP/Solo spec and gear. I was able to grab the dagger Anarchy (also enchanted with Mongoose), so now I can use the full Mut spec by being able to actually use Mutilate.
I have been doing some BG's, and have found it rather enjoyable, now that my gear and spec don't suck. I can hold my own in 1-on-1 fights, and sometimes in 2-on-1, depending on what classes I'm fighting. The classes that are giving me trouble at the moment are Ret Paladins, and DK's. The other classes, specially clothy ones, are easily taken care of, if I get the first hit with my Ambush or Garrote, depending on the class. The one class that is usualy a pain for everyone, Resto Druids, are no trouble for me. I do a lot of burst damage, with Ambush followed by two Mut and then either an Eviserate or Kidney Shot, and followed by something else, if needed. This does too much damage for the Druid's HoT's to replenish, and since I put Mind-numbing poison on my dagger, their casting time for their big heals is increased, that added to Wound poison, which reduces healing effects by 50%, really doesn't allow them to heal through my attacks. Granted, they can use their remove poison ability, but doing so they do are not healing, which doesn't bode well for them.

Having had fun in BG's since I don't recall when, and having recently purchased a couple of PvP gears with the honor I had accumilated, I decided it was time to give Arena PvP another shot. I have teamed up with a newly 80 Rogue in my guild to form the team of Silent Storm. Even though his Rogue is new to lvl 80, and his gear is mostly blue and green, his main character, a Shadow Priest, has been doing Arena battles for a while now, and he knows his way around them. Our first foray into 2v2 did not turn out too bad. We only did 11 battles, finishing the night with a record of 3-8, but a lot of the losses were due to the fact that we didn't know exactly how to handle the situations. I think over time, with practicing together and coming up with strategies and learning how the other fights, and him getting some better gear, we will be a very good team. So I am actually looking forward to doing some 2v2 and seeing how good we can get.

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