Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Rogue spec - results

I was able to test out the Combat spec agian, with new rotation, and am very pleased with the results. I did 25-man Naxx, and finished the night with over 3k DPS. I am still getting used to the rotation, but the improved numbers is a very good result. My only issue at this point is the weapons. I am using a mace for main hand, because of the slow speed of it, which prevents me from using Backstab and Ambush. But using the dagger for my main hand will reduce the speed of my offhand greatly, which will lower my DPS and overall damage.

I am looking to find an add-on that will allow me to quickly switch between the weapons, so that I can use Ambush and BS whenever I need to, and quickly switch back to mace for my mainhand. Currently I am just opening up my character sheet and switching weapons, which takes away from keeping up with the rotation.

I was able to get an upgrade for my gear, the trinket Grim Toll, which is pretty nice. I had to replace my alchemist stone however, so my AP and crit has gone down a bit. I sitll need to upgrade some of my other gear, as I'm still wearing blues, but hope to do so soon, as my guild is progressing.

Well, for now I'm just doing some rep grinding, and looking for some runs to EoE and possibly Ulduar for gear.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Rogue spec

Well, I have decided to dish out the 1k gold for dual spec for my rogue. My rogue, Zonaka, was a Subtlety spec rogue. Although I enjoyed this spec, with Shadowstep and the insane number of combo-points I got from HaT, I was ranging in the 2500 DPS in 25-mans, which is too low for a rogue that has pretty good gear. Granted, my gear is not all that great, but its not bad either. I only really need to replace a couple of pieces, and I should be good, until I can get some gear from Ulduar.

So I did some reading, and it appears that Combat spec is currently the spec for DPS, specially in looking at Tier 8 gear. The good thing about Combat spec is the energy builders, which allow for burst DPS as well as AoE, if the case calls for it. I had been Combat until very recently, so I know it pretty well. Now my specs are Sub and Combat. I had thought about going to Mutilate spec, but not having both weapons be daggers would have hurt bad.

I ran a 5-man Heroic last night as Combat spec, and finished the night with a bit over 2100 DPS, which is much better than what I used to get in 5-mans, around 1500-1600. I can't wait to try it out in raids, with full raid buffs and raid debuffs on the bosses. I should be getting close to 3k, if not higher, if I do the rotations correctly. We'll find out this weekend, as we are going to 10-man EoE on Saturday, and 25-man Naxx on Sunday.

The main reason why I went dual spec, well, other than the achievement for it, is because I did enjoy Sub a lot, and in soloing mobs, I was killing things very fast, with prep and shadowstep. So I'm going to use Sub for solo, and Combat for instances. If I happen to replace my mace with a dagger, I'll probably change Sub to Mutilate, so that I can compare the difference between Combat and Mutilate first hand, and see which works best for me.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Welcome to my world!

Greetings to all the World of Warcraft players and fans out there, and a big welcome to my world.

I have decided to create a blog about WoW and my experience and time in it. Mainly as a way to speak out whats on my mind regarding patches, strategies, and other things going on in the great World of Warcraft.

To begin, I play a rogue on the Argent Dawn server. Yes I know, it is an RP server, but very few people actually do any type of roleplaying. So in essence it is a server where the character names are somewhat creative and you don't get the stupid names like "Iamtheman" or "Ilikecheese", since it is supposed to be an RP server.

Anyway, I'm in a rather casual raiding guild, the StormSeekers. I'll have some posts about that as well, since this is mainly a small intro.

I also have other characters on that server, the max number allowed, and 3 of them, including my rogue, have hit level 80. I am going to be working on my 4th soon, currecntly a level 70 mage.

Well, I think I'll stop there for now, and get into more details later on.

Till then,