Thursday, May 7, 2009

Rogue spec

Well, I have decided to dish out the 1k gold for dual spec for my rogue. My rogue, Zonaka, was a Subtlety spec rogue. Although I enjoyed this spec, with Shadowstep and the insane number of combo-points I got from HaT, I was ranging in the 2500 DPS in 25-mans, which is too low for a rogue that has pretty good gear. Granted, my gear is not all that great, but its not bad either. I only really need to replace a couple of pieces, and I should be good, until I can get some gear from Ulduar.

So I did some reading, and it appears that Combat spec is currently the spec for DPS, specially in looking at Tier 8 gear. The good thing about Combat spec is the energy builders, which allow for burst DPS as well as AoE, if the case calls for it. I had been Combat until very recently, so I know it pretty well. Now my specs are Sub and Combat. I had thought about going to Mutilate spec, but not having both weapons be daggers would have hurt bad.

I ran a 5-man Heroic last night as Combat spec, and finished the night with a bit over 2100 DPS, which is much better than what I used to get in 5-mans, around 1500-1600. I can't wait to try it out in raids, with full raid buffs and raid debuffs on the bosses. I should be getting close to 3k, if not higher, if I do the rotations correctly. We'll find out this weekend, as we are going to 10-man EoE on Saturday, and 25-man Naxx on Sunday.

The main reason why I went dual spec, well, other than the achievement for it, is because I did enjoy Sub a lot, and in soloing mobs, I was killing things very fast, with prep and shadowstep. So I'm going to use Sub for solo, and Combat for instances. If I happen to replace my mace with a dagger, I'll probably change Sub to Mutilate, so that I can compare the difference between Combat and Mutilate first hand, and see which works best for me.


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