Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Welcome to my world!

Greetings to all the World of Warcraft players and fans out there, and a big welcome to my world.

I have decided to create a blog about WoW and my experience and time in it. Mainly as a way to speak out whats on my mind regarding patches, strategies, and other things going on in the great World of Warcraft.

To begin, I play a rogue on the Argent Dawn server. Yes I know, it is an RP server, but very few people actually do any type of roleplaying. So in essence it is a server where the character names are somewhat creative and you don't get the stupid names like "Iamtheman" or "Ilikecheese", since it is supposed to be an RP server.

Anyway, I'm in a rather casual raiding guild, the StormSeekers. I'll have some posts about that as well, since this is mainly a small intro.

I also have other characters on that server, the max number allowed, and 3 of them, including my rogue, have hit level 80. I am going to be working on my 4th soon, currecntly a level 70 mage.

Well, I think I'll stop there for now, and get into more details later on.

Till then,


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